Thông tin thư mục
Young, Beverley ; Durston, Susan
- Primary health education / Beverley Young, Susan Durston - Hongkong: Longman, 1987
xii, 208 p. : Ill. ; 21 cm
Content p. v-vii
Index p. 205-208.
Index p. 205-208.
Included 02 part: Health ideas and how to teach them- ourselves, looking after ourselves, ourselves and others, food and health...; teaching and learning in health education: the role of the school and the community - methods, techniques, and lesson planning, CHILD- to - child, organising health education in school.
1.Health education 2.Y tế-- Giáo dục  
610.7 Y841
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Thư viện: CĐYTĐN--- Kho: Đọc