Thông tin thư mục


Phoon, Wo

  • Practical occupational health / Wo Phoon - Singapore : P G Publishing, 1988
           x, 429 p. : Picture, 22 cm 
           Content p. ix-x
          Index p. 421-429. 
           Included 06 sections: The principles of occupational health; methods in occupational health practice; occupational health practicice applied to specific exposures; occupational health practice applied to special sectors; occupational health practice appliced to special sectors; occupational health practice appliced to special problems. 
           1.Occupational health  2.Sức khỏe nghề nghiệp  
           613.62 P5662 
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Thư viện: CĐYTĐN--- Kho: Đọc



Bản tài liệu sẵn sàng

Thư viện: CĐYTĐN--- Kho: Mượn
