Thông tin thư mục


Duckworth, T.

  • Lecture notes on Orthopaedics and Fractures / T. Duckworth - 2nd ed - Singapore : P G Publishing, 1987
           xii, 383 p. : Ill., 22 cm 
           Content p. v-vii
          Index p. 373-383. 
           Included 04 sections: General principles - the connective tissues, the skeletal structures...; fractures - injuries to spine and trunk, paraplegia...; general orthopeadics - congenital malformations - principles, congennital malformations - congenital dislocation of the Hip...; regional orthopaedics - the spine and trunk, the shoulder and upper arm, the elbow region... 
           1.Chỉnh hình  2.Orthopaedics   3.Fractures  4.Gãy xương  
           617.1 D8585 
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